SAIL is having five section - Reasoning ( 45 ) , Quanti. ques.( 35 ), Genral knowledge ( 35 ), English Comp ( 35 )., Technical Question ( 100 ).
In previos year their is some change in no of questions.
And total time given is 2 hour 25 minutes....
Their is not saparate time given for saperate sections, all section have to solve in 2:25 hour, but individual cuttoff is their ....
Section FIRST - REASONING ( 45 )
This is vry easy to solve and I suggest to solve as many as possible becoz easy to solve and efficiency is above 90 %.
type of question...
Family relation - one question - "A person looking at portral and said that ' his mother is wife of my father .I m only child of my father' what is relation between them "
five question - " A, B ,C, D, E ,F are five , A is ..., B is ...and so on " a very well known question belong to R.S.Agrawal " and five easy question based on that.
DIsc problem - one question - " two diagram was given and ask that no of dots opposite to one dots " vry simple ...
Sitting Arrengment - five question based on sitting arrengment that was a little time taking but easy to solve.
Syllogism - four to five question based on that in which statment and conclusion was given and have to solved.
Odd one out - one are two odd one out type but question was too easy and must be tried.
Venn Diagram - four question from R.S.agrawal " Square represent girls, square rep. sportperson , circle rep. coach and question based on that".
LR - some question are based on that but vry easy to solve.
Direction finding - one or two question based on that...
Over all this section was thats most scoring section and i must suggest you to prepair that esay and score most in that.....
Section SECOND - QUANTI.. ( 35 )
In quanti. the question of starting are easy to solve and question after 15 in quanti. is a little bit tough as compare to starting....
Quanti portion consist of work and energy, pipe line problem, up and downword water stream problem, profit and loss, ratio propertion which are common in any exam.
Lenghty as compare to reasoning problems.
This portion is as usual not easy and a lot of luck is required......
their is question mainly form
History - (' who fight the third panipath war' , and so on.......)
Geography - (' india and pak border is name as ', and one form such border problem....
Author - their is three question related to book and authors (' who the writer of Harry Porter'........etc
Regional dance - (' Given some name and asked that name belong to what field' )
Sports - (' Wimbuldon belong to which games' )
and such type of GK...
i prefered you to read some important event of History, Sports knowledge, some famous person name and feild knowledge etc....
Section FOURTH - ENGLISH. ( 35 )
This section will have five antonisms, ten find the error is sentence, two para. reading each having 5 question, five to seven find best meaning ...
antonism and synonims are quite unknown section and i faced some difficulty in it, else section 'error and reading' was easy to solve .....
I am belong to Eletronics and telecommunication stream...
their are question which are vry basics and portion are :-
Network, Analog, Digital , Communication, Electromagnatic, antenna etc......
Remember one thing that you have less time to solve this question so read only thoes which are conform to you that you will deffinatly solve tht..
first attempt which is solid to you and after then for tukakka........................and remember that mainly 80% protion are theory and 50% pure theroy knowledge of practical field where ask so prepare some basic theory ....
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June 22, 2009 at 1:38 AMPost a Comment